Really hard to review properly since it wasn't projected properly...
With that said, i loved how silly it is and RPats once again knocks it out the park.
Act one - brilliant, five stars, loved it.
Act two - ooooh OK, bringing more pieces into play, I'm intrigued to see how this pans out
That one scene- ... I wasn't expecting that, I don't really think the film has done enough to earn it (for lack of better phrasing)
Act three - I'm not sure why these decisions were made or what they're wanting me to take from this
Epilogue - unnecessary
Still. It didn't feel like 4 hours in the cinema so bravo
The eternal question: manic pixie dream girl, or literally just French?
Also I have it on very good authority that prit-stick absolutely would not work - amateur.
This film feels like a British tale, about France but told through an American lens (yes I know the writer / director is British/French but it just feels American to me).
Some good story telling, some nice cinematography and direction. Ultimately it's a story that's been played out but there was a lot of good in front of and behind the camera.
Film 4 of LIFF