Alex Russell

Alex Russell Pro

Favorite films

  • The Killing
  • The Third Man
  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Recent activity

  • India Song


  • How to Train Your Dragon


  • Tower


  • A Town Called Panic


Recent reviews

  • India Song

    India Song


    Vincent Canby said, of Marguerite Duras, "I've yet to see a film directed by her that didn't seem a carefully thought out, overly intellectualized mistake."

    This is the only one I've seen, but that says it better than I could. "India Song" is a series of tracking shots that pan across scenes without people mixed in with static shots where people walk in and out, showing us what was there before their presence and what remains as they walk away.…

  • Amélie



    What is there to say that hasn’t been said? My wife was shocked I hadn’t seen this and we watched it together. I’d always felt like it would be so cute and precious as to be cloying, but I think it avoids the trap.

    I really don’t have much to add beyond a really disheartening truth about humanity here, if you sort by lowest starred reviews you often find some garbage but I have never seen a movie where more…

Popular reviews

  • Baby Driver

    Baby Driver


    Most of the set pieces work better than the thing does as a whole. It’s fun, mostly, and Jamie Foxx and Jon Hamm do a good job as evil forces, but Kevin Spacey really doesn’t work at all and both leads are just absolutely nothing. The scenes between just the two of them feel spliced in from a Lifetime Christmas movie.

    It really unravels towards the end, too. There’s a lot of Heat in there, but then it becomes some…

  • Anatomy of a Fall

    Anatomy of a Fall


    A masterpiece driven by one central performance and one question that ultimately is not as important as the way everyone involved tries to solve it. It's almost a shame that the conversation about this movie will always be that question -- did she do it -- when there's so much more happening here. I imagine I'll revisit this one and I wonder how this will sit with some time to think about it.
