

Favorite films

  • The Batman
  • Whiplash
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Recent activity

  • Die Hard


  • Mortal Kombat


  • Whiplash


  • John Wick


Recent reviews

  • Die Hard

    Die Hard


    Mom never told me christmas was all about shooting up terrorists/thieves on christmas day!

  • Mortal Kombat

    Mortal Kombat


    Terrible for someone who has no idea what they're watching

    Fun and Enjoyable for anyone who's a fan of the franchise.
    Raiden (known for being this all knowing, all wise, the most serious) being a goofy comic relief was something I didn't know I needed

Popular reviews

  • Whiplash



    Some often write or say the phrase "Blood, sweat and tears" to describe hard tasks that take the maximum of effort to accomplish, and Whiplash delivers that to an absurd level.

    Pride, ego, drive and dream. The main "levels" and flairs that this movie captures extraordinarily, an absolute must watch, especially if you're like me and love drum n bass 🤣

    Neiman's anxiety and imperfections that you grasp at first glance were something I could sadly relate to (stiți voi),…

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


    Some of Edgar Wright's most memorable work. An absolute must-watch for ANY comic-book film fan out there. The acting, writing, attention to detail, the cinematography especially and the cast even more-so

    Every aspect of this movie is taken care of to extreme lengths, the humor, set pieces, respecting the source material, etc. I could go on forever.

    While the soundtrack is unremarkable, it is perfectly adequate. What is truly impressive, however, is the abundance of cultural references in both the…
