Alexander Johnsen

Alexander Johnsen

Favorite films

  • Arrival
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • V for Vendetta
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)


  • The Creator


  • When Harry Met Sally...


  • Oppenheimer


Recent reviews

  • Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)

    Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)


    Liker storyen og måten fysikk/multiverset er brukt for å fortelle om en fraværende far og et indre ønske om en samlet familie (var ihvertfall dit jeg tolket det) men filmen bærer litt preg av å være laget i Oslo gryta og er litt vel pretensiøs, men det er kanskje bare min smak det

  • The Creator

    The Creator


    God gammeldags anti-imperialisme og anti-USA scifi, me likey

Popular reviews

  • Dune



    Must see in the cinema, preferably in IMAX. The sense of scale in this movie is humongus. Editing and camerawork is unique and striking. Through and through a good film. Villenueve is once again setting the bar for the modern sci-fi.

  • Shame



    En kvalmendes god film som rørte noe dypt i meg