Trump and an asexual cultist try to commit space genocide so that they get a viral video to promote their sauces.
There’s 18 mickeys and 18 space Kama sutra positions.
The were-rabbit genuinely made me shit my pants from fear as a kid
This deserves a higher rating for bringing a brilliant trilogy to a beautiful conclusion. The British museum is really brought to life in some scenes (especially the acropolis sculptures). Amelia Earhart was quite frustrating to watch but I enjoyed the dry romance with Larry and her adventurous spirit. All the main museum characters coming along to England with Larry was so great and in all I would say this is the best night at the museum movie.
This was a good transition to the third and final film of the franchise. HOWEVER: the attempt to introduce new characters failed as the older (better) characters where excluded (shoutout to Octavius taming the squirrel to save Owen Wilson - gay icon). Bill hader brought a lot of much needed comedy and the new museum was cool