

I'm building my profile, 🫡

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Prisoners
  • Logan
  • Psycho

Recent activity

  • November 13: Attack on Paris

  • Gun Woman


  • My Neighbor Totoro


  • Zombie Hunter Rika


Recent reviews

  • November 13: Attack on Paris

    November 13: Attack on Paris

    I don't think I have the right to rate that.

    Je pense pas être en droit de noter ça

  • Gun Woman

    Gun Woman


    I surprisingly liked this movie, despite the HUGE amount of violence and nudity. Or maybe that's what i liked ? I love Japan

    Je sais pas pourquoi j'ai aimé, y'avait ÉNORMÉMENT de violence et de nudité. Ça convient certainement pas à tout le monde mais j'ai kiffé. J'adore le Japon

  • Anora



    I saw it at the cinema, There were three people with me.
    THREE PEOPLE! Why is everyone missing this ??

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    Am i dreaming?
    Did anyone here understand what they saw?
    There is so many weird things that appears in one scene, and we never see it again
