Alexandre Vives

Alexandre Vives

Favorite films

  • Joker
  • The Intouchables
  • Whiplash
  • Death Note

Recent activity

  • Lady Bird


  • Margin Call


  • The Passion of the Christ


  • A House on Fire


Recent reviews

  • Donnie Darko

    Donnie Darko


    Chula. Mhe quedat una mica confos pero al llegir una explicacio tot clar.

    "Donnie was going to die, no way to avoid it.
    However, some entity or force, be it god, frank, ect. gave Donnie the chance to experience things he would have missed in death (Love's first kiss, tragic loss) and expose the world around him (Jim Cunninghams dark secret, the future of his siblings)
    However the entity is there to remind Donnie that his time is limited, and act as a guide on his journey.
    Time travel is then used to set things the way they were just before Donnie's death."

  • The 47

    The 47


    Molt chula, transmet les emocions sorprenentment be. La mare q bona actriu mama mia

Popular reviews

  • Heretic



    Comença molt be.. super interessant pero es comença a liar i meh

  • Sound of Freedom

    Sound of Freedom


    La he deixat al min 40. Molts cliches, mala actuacio i es una idea de peli ja molt vista (q si no esta molt ben feta com Taken, et deixa mal cos al veurela)
