Interesting concept with some decent comedy and political messaging,
However, the pacing was off and could've been 20 mins shorter at least
Bumped up another .5 on my millionth rewatch.
I quite like the goofiness at times, and I can't think of a better origin story put on screen.
Could see this being a 5 on a rewatch, was waiting for some emotional payoffs and the second half didn't disappoint.
Added to the list of films that made me cry.
Edit: I've updated it to a 4, might be the bravest thing I've ever done.
As much as everyone wants you to hate this, I seem to enjoy it more every time I watch it (was legitimately debating giving this a 4/5).
The film was bold and was always going to be controversial, but the classic Star Wars themes of redemption, perseverance and hope are displayed effectively. The storytelling fundamentally is great from start to finish, introducing characters from across…