How is something so gorgeously quotidian and thoroughly accurate to everyday existence so pulverising?
How is something so gorgeously quotidian and thoroughly accurate to everyday existence so pulverising?
An exercise in cruelty and sadism as a perfect expression of its cruel and sadistic world, The Chaser is a relentless, heart-sinkingly brutal thriller that flits between white-knuckle tension, frustratingly bureaucratic procedure and torturous violence for its breathless two-hour runtime. A perfect indictment of an apathetic, numerical modern existence that prioritises productivity, gain and pleasure over any semblance of humanity Na Hong-jin once again shows himself to be a master in getting to the nihilism at the core of the miserable and unknowable cruelty we commit against each other.
After having my childhood completely dominated by not only the original trilogy of this franchise, but the thunderous follow-up that is Fury Road, which had 14-year-old Alfie and his Dad absolutely howling with excitement and rolling out of the cinema in awe of the glory of practical effects driven cinema, I can’t help but feel rather appalled by Furiosa, a film which is so entirely two-dimensional, sensually vapid and genuinely rather painful to watch due to its application of woeful CGI…
A completely vapid exercise in moral irresponsibility and cultural ignorance, Dumb Money reduces each and every one of its uninteresting characters in its uninteresting plot to their uninteresting monetary value and, uninterestingly, keeps them at that level for the uninteresting duration of this sordid story. It is a dumb film, made by dumb people, packed with dumb performances with actors at their dumbest capacity, all presented as though it cares about anything happening in the real world. It is an insulting…