

All my ratings are really high cos if I don’t like something I just turn it off

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Stalker
  • 3 Women
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • The Boy and the Heron


  • Sicario


  • Dancer in the Dark


  • No Direction Home: Bob Dylan

Recent reviews

  • Sicario



    Not my kinda thing but Roger Deakins always goes in

  • No Direction Home: Bob Dylan

    No Direction Home: Bob Dylan

    Bob Dylan I have always loved you

Popular reviews

  • The River

    The River


    The third Tsai in my chronological watching of all of his films and his bleakest yet. As always, some incredible images: the Sisyphean filling up of the buckets of water each day in the father’s room which, when abandoned, lead to an eventual flood; the opening and reopening of doors in the bath house, men searching hopelessly for connection; the meta-textual prologue in which Hsaio-Kang plays an actor playing a dead body and in turn starts to take on symptoms…

  • Nosferatu



    Should’ve been weirder, should’ve been hornier, should’ve been more abject and disgusting. Saw at BFI IMAX with Eggers in convo afterwards, and he mentioned giving Depp materials to work from. Surely one must’ve been Possession because her physical acting yearns towards an Adjani-ness, but unfortunately I feel that Egger’s much too reserved writing doesn’t allow for enough balls to the walls madness to really let Depp. The trailer had me desiring a twisted, doomed l’amour fou, but Depp’s Ellen comes off much…