Ali Shokri

Ali Shokri

Favorite films

  • mother!
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • The Handmaiden
  • Enemy

Recent activity

  • Greetings from Tim Buckley


  • Greetings from Tim Buckley


  • A Real Pain


  • Thor: Love and Thunder


Recent reviews

  • Greetings from Tim Buckley

    Greetings from Tim Buckley


    “We’re Giving Them Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"

    This film is not an autobiography. It is not a direct adaptation of any document or work related to Jeff or Tim either.  

    When engaging with this piece, I find myself battling numerous thoughts. I struggle with the love and respect I have for Jeff Buckley, trying to accept that this film is not meant to satisfy any emotions I hold toward Jeff himself or the journey that eventually led to…

  • Greetings from Tim Buckley

    Greetings from Tim Buckley


    “We’re giving them Father Son and Holy Ghost“

    این فیلم یک اوتوبیوگرافی نیست ، اقتباس مستقیم از هیچ گونه داکیومنت یا اثری مربوط به جف یا تیم هم نیست

    در مواجه با این اثر باید با تفکرات زیادی مبارزه کنم
    با عشق و احترامی که به جف باکلی دارم مدارا میکنم و خودم را قانع که این اثر قرار نیست هیچ حسی به خود جف یا مسیری که در آن منجر به ساخته شدن گریس ۳ سال بعد از بازه…

Popular reviews

  • Zack Snyder's Justice League

    Zack Snyder's Justice League


    This was the shortest 4 hours of my life 🔥😍

  • Thor: Love and Thunder

    Thor: Love and Thunder


    Just finish watching it and after 10min i dont remember what the fuck happened
    It was like 2 hours scrolling in tik tok