

Favorite films

  • Happy Gilmore
  • The Dark Knight
  • Inception
  • Avengers: Infinity War

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  • Black Hawk Down


  • Logan Lucky


  • Margin Call


  • Carry-On


Recent reviews

  • Black Hawk Down

    Black Hawk Down


    Over 2 hours of just nonstop action and gunfights. Gets pretty gnarly at points, but really makes you feel like what it would be to be one of those soldiers. 

    The cast is so loaded you don’t even realize it until the end because they all just blend in so well throughout the film

  • Logan Lucky

    Logan Lucky


    This was a very fun watch and I feel like I never hear anything about it being good?? The humor was so corny but in a good way. Daniel Craig playing this character is so funny to me.

Popular reviews

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


    Scott Pilgrim’s goofy ass really bagging chicks like Ramona and Envy ? I can think of multiple women that I’d be willing to fight all their exes to be able to date.

    What a cast this movie has. A plus. Feel like if I had seen this when it came out I’d like it more, still fun though

  • Margin Call

    Margin Call


    Not on the level of The Big Short in terms of movies about the 08 financial crisis, but still decent overall. Captures the gravity of the situation and how cutthroat corporate America can be. 

    Especially interesting as one who currently works in the mortgage industry and deals with the very trading of mbs they discuss in the movie
