
alloycap Pro

In the Realm of the Senses taught me all I know about life, love, and follow-backs.

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Bloodsport
  • Hackers
  • The Shining

Recent activity

  • Nature of the Beast

  • Cry of the City

  • The Hidden

  • Hard Ticket to Hawaii

Recent reviews

  • Sudden Fear

    Sudden Fear

    Oh no, Joan Crawford is over 40, she must have forgotten how to act. Well, not in this. Great movie. Love the cast, love that house and those steps down to the water. Gloria Grahame is such a viper. Want to note that young Jack Palance has a startling look having grown up with him being old man Jack a la City Slickers and Batman. Does great opposite Crawford.

    I yearn for this time! The genre is such a comfort…

  • Shield for Murder

    Shield for Murder


    Re-watch for Noirvember '24. Neo-noirs are buried in my collection at the moment so on to some more classics.

    Crooked cop does some nasty moonlighting in an effort to buy a house for his cigarette-girl girlfriend. $25,000 goes missing and its owner isn't going to let it slide. P.I.'s are hired to get it back by any means. The department clearly knows the crooked cop is fucking around but he's protected by the blue wall of silence. Vulnerable character here…

Popular reviews

  • Antitrust


    Watching Ryan Phillippe blank stare as Tim Robbins crumbles pringles into his mouth feels so fucking good.

  • Three Days of the Condor

    Three Days of the Condor

    A ravishing Redford riff through 70s NYC.  Its proto digital tech, silenced automatic weapons, and must-own jackets everywhere you look.  Flashes of the World Trade and a fatally femme fox in Faye “done baaaad” Dunaway.  Enter Cliff Robertson and Max von Sydow; we got ourselves a scowl-off!  Whenever you hear John Houseman speak a Briton gets his wings.