
alper Patron

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1
  • The Terminator
  • Yes Man

Recent activity

  • Mary Poppins


  • A Day, 365 Hours

  • High Life


  • Life


Recent reviews

  • Mary Poppins

    Mary Poppins


    I love this movie so much! Every time I watch it, it brings back childhood memories. If you like musical movies, you should absolutely give it a try. Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews are incredible in their roles. They are both amazing! The movie is literally Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 

  • A Day, 365 Hours

    A Day, 365 Hours

    Saw it at Bayetav Akademi Film Screening Event.

Popular reviews

  • Witches



    I watched it at the Ayvalik International Film Festival. My first thought was, ‘Oh, I love horror movies, and this is going to be another great one.’ However, after watching it for a while, I realized that this film belongs to a completely different genre. It was more of a documentary, and I genuinely found it both interesting and informative, especially regarding the personal challenges the director herself faced. I’m giving this movie a 5-star rating because I think it’s a powerful documentary that sheds light on important issues and tells a deeply personal story in a compelling way.

  • High Life

    High Life


    What tf is wrong with this movie? This movie literally feels like a whole different genre of sci-fi. Claire Denis really looked at space and went like “Yeah, let’s make this depressing, filthy, and straight-up disturbing.” 
    No sense of wonder, no cool tech—just isolation, messed-up experiments, and pure hopelessness. Feels less like sci-fi and more like a slow, suffocating nightmare. 

    And honestly? Even Twilight was WAY BETTER than this one. 🤣 LMAO!
