

Favorite films

  • Perfect Days
  • 10 Things I Hate About You
  • My Love Affair with Marriage
  • Bottle Rocket

Recent activity

  • Art Born In Agony


  • Garden State


  • The Man Who Knew Infinity


  • Frozen


Recent reviews

  • Art Born In Agony

    Art Born In Agony


    Domāju, ka Jurim ļoti patiktu šī filma. Ļoti patiesa, necenšoties noslēpt vai kaut kādā ziņā kritizēt viņa alkaholismu, apsēstības, dzīvesveidu. Likās, ka redzu svaigu un patiesu pusi no Kulakova - smaržu kolekcionēšanas hobijs, ziņkārīgais, bet mierīgais un noslēpumainais tēls, kāds viņš ir, neesot uz skatuves. Apbrīnoju, kā filmas veidotāji izveidoja tik tuvas un sirsnīgas attiecības starp Kulakovu un skatītāju.

  • Garden State

    Garden State


    there is something so familiar and personal in both of the main characters and the fact that they found their home in each other and were able to form a relationship made me feel a glimpse of hope for my future. 
    i feel like this will hit home for a lot of people. very real, emotional, but lighthearted and funny.

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • The Man Who Knew Infinity

    The Man Who Knew Infinity


    an engaging but utterly sad story about a talented mathematician from India who left his family and whole life to publish his theorems in Oxford university. he was ridiculed there for his abstract statements, but mostly for his race.
    yet another painful story of an genius artist laughed at by his peers during his lifetime, and loved by the same people after his death.
    also i guess it is easier to believe in god than be an atheist as an…
