Keep your eye on the donut, not the hole 🍩 ☕
Eterna saudade de Nicolau Breyner
At least once a day I get down on my knees, look up, lift my skinny arms to the sky, and thank the gods for everything Bob released. The coolest and most important guy of all-time.
"But you can't be in love and wise at the same time."
Bob feels like a caricature of himself. His motivation for doing anything is so poorly conveyed. Maybe the point is to maintain him as elusive as in real life, but here he is just a weird asshole, as shallow as it gets.
Joan Baez is reduced from one of the most important singers/songwriters of all time to Bob's love interest and sidekick.
Timothee is great, and the songs are very well performed. Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, and Johnny Cash…
Dava 5 estrelas se em vez daquele fado metessem o Rui Reininho a cantar Morte ao Sol