Alain Zouvi

Alain Zouvi Patron

Voice actor. Brad Pitt, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Tom Hanks, and many more french voices for Quebec.

Favorite films

  • Miracle in Milan
  • Psycho
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Halloween

Recent activity

  • Anora


  • Oddity


  • Woman of the Hour


  • Terrifier 3


Recent reviews

  • Oddity



    Un film mystérieux, qui fait peur tout en étant sensible et intelligent. Ça fait du bien.

    A mysterious film, which is scary while being sensitive and intelligent. It feels good.

  • Woman of the Hour

    Woman of the Hour


    Ce film fait véritablement peur. Une peur réelle, de ce qui peut arriver, et de ce qui est arrivé souvent, trop souvent. Excellents acteurs qui jouent tout en nuances et en vérité.La réalisation est efficace et ne prend pas le public pour des imbéciles. Le scénario est intelligent, et est malheureusement tiré d'une histoire vraie.

    This film is genuinely frightening. A real fear, of what can and has happened often, too often. The actors are excellent, playing with nuance and truth, the direction is effective and doesn't take the audience for fools. The script is intelligent, and unfortunately based on a true story.

Popular reviews

  • Conclave



    An excellent movie. Beautiful images and stunning acting. The director's respect for the spectators is very touching. Well done.

    P.S. I had the happiness, the joy and the privilege of being Ralph Fiennes voice in the dubbed version of the movie, in French, for Quebec.

    Un excellent film. Des images magnifiques et un jeu d’acteur s époustouflant. Le respect du réalisateur pour les spectateurs est très touchant. Bravo. 

    P.S. J’ai eu le bonheur, la joie et l’honneur de faire la voix de Ralph Fiennes dans la version du film doublée en français, pour le Québec.

  • Deadpool & Wolverine

    Deadpool & Wolverine


    I've been crazy about movies since I was young and I'm now 65 years old. However, I am not too old for horror, action, adventure films and even for animated films. I have been working in this milieu for a very long time as an actor, and as a director. But in this case, maybe because I'm not familiar with "Marvel", I was bored from A to Z. No character has emotion, no character is real, there is no humanity,…
