Amar Karim

Amar Karim

Just a regular movie buff who watches anything.

Favorite films

  • Scream
  • Toy Story 3
  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Recent activity

  • Rush Hour 3


  • Dog Man

  • Rush Hour 2


  • Rush Hour


Recent reviews

  • Rush Hour 3

    Rush Hour 3


    "Rush Hour 3" came too late, in my opinion. At the time of its release, I wasn’t impressed, and although that sentiment has marginally improved, this final film in the trilogy pales in comparison to its rather impressive predecessors.

    Yes, the chemistry between the mismatched cops is great, and I take back what I said about Chris Tucker. As annoying as I find Agent Carter, Tucker’s delivery of his cringeworthy lines is so good you can’t help but laugh. Of…

  • Dog Man

    Dog Man

    I knew exactly what to expect from this, so I switched my brain off—yet I still wanted to pull out my eyes. It wasn’t because of the animation, which was colourfully stunning, but because the entire film was utter garbage. A few jokes landed and made me giggle, but they were few and far between.

    I understand that the film knows exactly who its target audience is, and it pandered to their five-second attention span by delivering a relentlessly fast-paced…

Popular reviews

  • Scream VI

    Scream VI


    First time watch: Spoiler free review.

    Scream films are my life. They define who I am for many reasons and this newest installment is proof that this franchise is the most consistent franchise in horror history. If you're a fan of horror films then you will enjoy this. If you're a Scream nerd like me then you will love it.

    Of course, it's not without its problems and at times you have to wonder what the directors must have been…

  • Halloween Ends

    Halloween Ends


    First time watch:

    Halloween Ends is not a typical slasher and this works for and against it. The side of me that has lived these films since I was about six years old didn't appreciate the bold choices the film made and yet the film lover side of me could see why these choices were made and what the messages of the film were. Its about society and how they can help create a monster. Its about victim shaming. Its…