Talkies and reviews.
And John Malkovich.
The Novice is an obsessive compulsive competitive nature fueled nightmare. The price you pay to be the ultimate while negating the need to care for the other areas of your life will ultimately leave you in shambles.
Find your happiness amidst the chaos. Even if that means a shitty sitcom. Find your joy because you cannot control the outside world.
Remake this but make it about Darby and Bill sleuthing and their trials and tribulations. Leave out generic Grimes and Elon. I love Brit, but it was a predictable disappointing ending.
Something about this limited series had me absolutely captivated. The female protagonist lulled into dark places to achieve justice (or vengeance rather) because she deserves it and why the fuck shouldn't she get what she's owed. Yet the abyss of Hollywood and the world stepping on you comes around full circle. In more ways than one. A cautionary tale urging the audience to be careful what you say and to who and to be careful what you wish for. Karma does seem to come for them all.