ana elisa

ana elisa

a living anachronism

Favorite films

  • The Departure
  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
  • Harold and Maude
  • Letting Go

Recent activity

  • Open Your Eyes


  • The Substance


  • UHF


  • The Jungle Book


Recent reviews

  • Open Your Eyes

    Open Your Eyes


    Wow. Quizás leí mucho sobre esta película antes de verla, por lo que más o menos ya sabía qué esperar, pero aún así me parece que está muy bien lograda la exploración del mundo onírico y lo confuso que puede ser distinguirlo del mundo real. Por la parte de ciencia ficción, han pasado 28 años y todo me es muy creíble y para nada desfasado, como es común que ocurra con algunas películas del género. En general, siento que faltaba…

  • UHF



    Lesbian nazi hookers abducted by UFOs and forced into weight loss programs, all this week, on Town Talk.

    A glorious, bizarre fest made for those weird at heart. This film mocks just about anything: television, blockbusters, sensationalism, and suburban aspirations, in such an absurd manner that it's the type of movie that makes you say "that's way too realistic" when things get plausible. This works best if you're into Weird Al's schtick, otherwise you might not get it. But it's definitely a love letter to freaks and a parody towards the television landscape of the 80s. So brilliant!

Popular reviews

  • BREAK IT ALL: The History of Rock in Latin America

    BREAK IT ALL: The History of Rock in Latin America

    te amo charly sos dios no entendí nada que dijiste pero sos dios

  • The Departure

    The Departure


    Jazz playing over an absolutely unhinged Jean-Pierre Léaud and his quest for a Porsche. What else would you want from a film? 

    Le départ is widely incoherent, and shot in an abnormal format of collage (borrowing elements from silent movies and documentary-like close-ups), while still being hilarious, nearly perfect at all times. It's a marvelous concoction of action and comedy, that experiments with camera shots, human movement and sound, without falling into awful boredom —this time, the Nouvelle Vague is…