

governos autoritários surgem e desaparecem no esgoto da história, enquanto livros, canções e filmes ficam conosco…

Favorite films

  • Little Women
  • La La Land
  • I'm Still Here
  • The Virgin Suicides

Recent activity

  • The Virgin Suicides


  • Little Women


  • La La Land


  • Vitória


Recent reviews

  • The Virgin Suicides

    The Virgin Suicides


    that's sofia coppola's not only first movie but i'd say that also some kind of preview of her identity and style

    tvs made me look at my female condition with other perspective and refleting about how people see and treat me with more sensibility

    i consider that story (and most importantly, the way it is told) a look on invisibility of females specifically in more privileged sections of society

    misoginy is oftenly ignored due to the inexistence of movements that…

  • Little Women

    Little Women


    “There are some natures too noble to curb and too lofty to bend.”

    so beautiful

    little women is about the complexity of female relationships among ourselves and with ourselves.

    each one of the march sisters is a world and, by the forming of their beliefs and execution of their desires, each world funds itself with another.

    they fight, scream, hate, love, sacrifice together.
    they teach us that love can be lonely, grieving, agressive, joyful, intense but, most importantly: is worth it all.

Popular reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    uma sublime retratação dos abismos e conexões existentes entre as pessoas, das marcas que deixamos uns nos outros, da aceitação da impossibilidade de algo

    mesmo sendo cristã e não acreditando na reencarnação, é doce imaginar que todos que passam na minha vida estão nos lugares que estão por causa de como nos relacionamos nas vidas passadas: almas que se tornam eternamente responsáveis umas pelas outras
