why is everything so unfair?
I would’ve just ended everything by leaving the wives
why does it fucking hurt so much that they avoid being together
It was his favorite place - brokeback mountain
why is everything so unfair?
I would’ve just ended everything by leaving the wives
why does it fucking hurt so much that they avoid being together
It was his favorite place - brokeback mountain
“To loved is to be seen”
that’s exactly what this film reaffirmed for me.
even tho both sides are victimized in a way
you can clearly tell who got most hurt, and that love is always
always subjective
hola hoy fue el día donde david lynch me provocó psicosis
ahora le tengo miedo a:
-los abuelitos
-los vagabundos
-las lesbianas
-las camas con sábanas rojas
-a sunset blvd
-los teatros
-las cantantes de acapella
-las cajas azules
-la arquitecta californiana como fusión mexicana
y sobre todo a -mulholland drive
y ahora voy a ver videos de youtube y leer como 5 artículos para
saber de que mierda se supone que es esta película