there's war at my country right now, please, support Ukraine
russia is a fucking terrorist state
oh my god, he's bald, he's bald and he's torturing people who have hair! yeah, it was dumb, but idc because i had fun, and that's the main point of watching films like this one.
nope, i couldn't connect to the story at all, and i didn't believe the characters neither. they haven't seen each other for 24 years. they were friends and felt something at the age of 12. what was all of that then, come on?
i just don't believe that some childhood friend would search for a person after 12 years. i don't believe that they'd feel some sort of love after 24 years of no connection (and they were children, i don't even remember myself 10 years ago lmao).
this film (and its characters) just felt fake and romanticized af, meh
so basically Vanessa Hudgens got paid by Netflix for just kissing three pretty handsome guys in one movie?
coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool (in jake peralta's voice obviously)