
Andilar Pro

Favorite films

  • Journey to Italy
  • Paisan
  • Of Whales, the Moon, and Men
  • Born on the Fourth of July

Recent activity

  • Napoleon


  • Les Rose


  • Journey to Italy


  • The Organizer


Recent reviews

  • France at Work

    France at Work


    Sujet fascinant d'un monde disparu, et preuve que le cinéma est politique depuis son commencement.

    Cadrages remarquables, remplis de trouvailles visuelles et de susprises, se déroulant à un rythme souvent hypnotique.

    Autrement dit, l'essence même du cinéma: l'image en mouvement.

    Vive les frères Lumière !

    Inclus dans la compilation:

    1. Ateliers de La Ciotat. 1896
    2. Lyon: travaux au Canal de Jonage: machine a damer. 1897
    3. Faneurs. 1897
    4. À bord du Formidable: ramassage du linge. 1898
    5. Carmaux, défournage du coke. 1896
    6. Laveuses sur la rivière. 1897
    7. Chamonix: le village. 1899-1900
    8. Attelage du camion. 1897

  • Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

    Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones


    "If you look at the main complaints the average person had about the prequels they all have to do with the quality of the GCI, how it didn’t look realistic. But in this same line of thinking, I think this lack of realism is something to be championed, especially at the time of its occurrence. Like Isiah points out, we have moved to painting rather than photography[...]" - Isaac Goes

Popular reviews

  • Stagecoach



    Ford's direction is almost musical.
    So utterly poetic...

    The whole of America crammed into a stagecoach.

  • Victory



    This is self-conscious aestethic porn, and I love it.

    Tourneur's films are always a pleasure to watch because of their cinematic beauty but this is where he goes all in: dramatic compositions, foreground imagery, chiaroscuro (and other lighting effects), extreme camera angles, texture (smoke, shadows), baroque tinting, depth of field.
    And we're only in 1919 !!

    Victory is a giant leap in the development of cinema towards a more visual style and it is easy to see Tourneur's film as a precursor to other stylist such as Josef von Sternberg all the way to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.
