

Favorite films

  • Shrek 2

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  • I Am Here....Now

  • Lake Mungo


  • Love on a Leash


  • High Tension


Recent reviews

  • Lake Mungo

    Lake Mungo


    5/5 vendo pela primeira vez e de algum jeito só melhora na segunda assistida. É um terror mas deprime mais do que assusta, o que não é algo ruim, os melhores horrores são construídos na base da empatia.

  • Love on a Leash

    Love on a Leash


    Uma experiência

  • High Tension

    High Tension


    I don't know why you would willingly write that twist into your own movie

  • August Underground

    August Underground

    Fred Vogel is a very competent effects guy and an incompetent movie guy. Not rating this anything because I went into it knowing I wouldn't like it and I feel it'd be unfair to the rating.
