

worst movie takes

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Punch-Drunk Love
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  • Aftersun

Recent activity

  • Zero Day


  • Zodiac


  • The Apprentice


  • Companion


Recent reviews

  • Zero Day

    Zero Day


    Such a slimy propaganda piece. Fuck netflix for releasing this garbage in the current political climate. Giving this 2 stars just for how good Plemons' crazy eyes are in this show.

    Also this made me miss good police dramas like 24. Jack Bauer would've smoked these schmucks in a single day's work.

  • Zodiac



    Forgot how good the Bob Vaughn house scene is.

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    Watched this in IMAX and the audio literally (not literally) atomic bombed my ear canals.

    Also pretty mad that they lied about the 15 minute sex scene.

  • The Seventh Seal

    The Seventh Seal


    First of all, the cinematography in this movie is astounding. I'm pretty sure this has the best lighting I've ever seen in a movie. The way every scene is meticulously composed makes me believe that you could just randomly pause at any moment and discover a beautifully crafted photograph.

    Secondly, I see many people comment on the idea of faith presented in this movie, more precisely trying to believe in a higher being who doesn't communicate back in times of…