Andy Hanson-Dvoracek

Andy Hanson-Dvoracek Pro

Reviews start with how well made the movie is and flex a star in either direction on how much I like/would recommend it.

Favorite films

  • The Big Lebowski
  • Yojimbo
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • This Is Spinal Tap

Recent activity

  • Berberian Sound Studio


  • The Earth Dies Screaming


  • Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


  • Picasso Trigger


Recent reviews

  • Berberian Sound Studio

    Berberian Sound Studio


    I don't think this quite achieves what it's trying to do, but damn to I appreciate it trying. Starts off as essentially a documentary about how effective just the sound of horror movie can be and does it with aplomb, although I think it invokes the aesthetic of 70s educational films than giallo. It also did a lot better with the grim pragmatism of movie making than a lot of other navel gazing "movies about movies" I've seen.

    The vibe…

  • The Earth Dies Screaming

    The Earth Dies Screaming


    I don't exactly remember how this ended up on my watchlist, but there are so many angles: a sci-fi flick from noted Hammer man Terence Fisher, punching above its weight budget wise, a great title, and its obvious influence on Night of the Living Dead. It doesn't all quite come together and feels like a (barely!) extended TV anthology episode; its legacy is more in how in influenced filmmakers to evoke its ideas more effectively.

Popular reviews

  • Galaxy of Terror

    Galaxy of Terror


    Hooptober X: #1

    Decades: 🎃▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ [1980s]
    Countries: 🎃▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ [USA]
    Directors: ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️
    Robert Englund
    X in the Title

    Kicking off the tenth Hooptober with a near blackout of your Roger Corman bingo card: inventive re-use of footage/props from other properties, an egregious monster rape scene, and young actors and crew trying to give the movie a little more to think about maybe in spite of the boss.

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  • Sting of Death

    Sting of Death


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    Countries: 🎃🎃🎃▪️▪️▪️
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