Husband. Dad. I like movies that move me. Here for the ones I seem to miss.
★ My letterboxd reviews are first drafts until they're not.
Rewatched this with the family several times lately. A classic and one of the best movie soundtracks of all time.
I really wanted to like this. There is a great juxtaposition of the mundane with the fantastical that along with practical effects and minimal CGI (credit to the Jim Henson Company) had a lot of potential. However, the plot plods along and the threat in the story never really materializes. Unfortunately The Portable Door meets the same lackluster fate of a lot of fantasy and YA book adaptions lately.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
To learn about Van Gogh is to eventually ask the question - why did he die? Loving Vincent investigates through the eyes of Armand Roulin, the son of Van Gogh's postman and friend, shortly after his death. Did the painter really kill himself? Did someone else? Why did Van Gogh cover it up, if so? As Armand explores the possibilities, he also finds out more about the life of the man. He realizes that Van Gogh was not just happy…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
THEY CHANGED THE ENDING. ...And I liked it it? Dickens has become like Shakespeare in that every adaptation takes creative license and embellishes some theme. The foil in this adaption is The Gentleman and every possible vice of a lifestyle where seemingly reputable men can leverage social status to "take whatever they want". Once Pip is disabused of his ambitions to be one, with Miss Havisham starting his education and Mr. Jaggers completing it, he is forced to consider what…