

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • The Thing
  • Spider-Man 2
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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  • The Hitman's Bodyguard


  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


  • Bad Boys


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Recent reviews

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


    First time watching the classic animated 1937 Walt Disney film and I was astounded by how amazing the hand drawn animation looks!! Honestly a true technical marvel, hard to believe this was achieved 88 years ago!!! and not a computer in sight.

    The film itself while fun does feel a little laboured if I'm honest and it tends to suffer the fate of all movie length adaptations of short stories. The most bizarre thing here being that so much time…

  • Bad Boys

    Bad Boys


    🎶"Bad Boys, Bad Boys.. whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?"🎶
    So, tonight was another first and another franchise completed cinematically. Much like when I finally saw John Wick 1 on the big screen the other week finally completing seeing the set on the big screen - tonight was the same for the Bad Boys franchise. I've seen the other 3 on the big screen when they were originally released but I missed out on seeing…

Popular reviews

  • Doctor Who: The War Games in Colour

    Doctor Who: The War Games in Colour


    Another year and another "bright idea" from RTD about massively editing (incredibly badly) and colourising a classic black and white Dr Who story - supposedly to appeal to "modern audiences".

    The thing is, much like the edited and colourised The Daleks last year, The War Games just ends up being a confusing hastily edited mess, albeit a "pretty" one thanks to the addition of colour. The colour here looked worse than the colourised Daleks to my eyes - I noticed…

  • Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour

    Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour


    So on the evening of the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who I sat down to watch the newly colourised heavily cut down version.

    Well, the colourisation was OK- not great by any means but better than I'd expected it to be. The editing was a bit choppy and uneven with on screen references to scenes that had been cut out to save time and some of the added CGI (like the static scenes of the TARDIS arriving and leaving Skaro)…