
aniegreen Pro

Favorite films

  • Call Me by Your Name
  • La La Land
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Pride & Prejudice

Recent activity

  • World Between Us

  • Me + You

  • Comrades

  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith


Recent reviews

  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith


    not being afraid to give 5 stars to movies that make me feel alive. this one has a sentimental value.

  • The Substance

    The Substance

    I can't rate this at all because watching this physically hurt. I can't handle any kind of horror movies and body horror is the worst for me, like one of my unreasonable fears actually is my teeth falling out and sometimes I have nightmares about it. Also I hate needles or any depiction of injections. So you can imagine watching this was painful, I had to stop multiple times to get a break and breathe.
    To be honest, it surprised…

Popular reviews

  • Our Lovely Pig Slaughter

    Our Lovely Pig Slaughter


    trauma bonding pro lidi, co vyrostli na vesnici a absolvovali minimálně jednu zabíjačku.

  • Waves



    krásně sestříhaný youtube video pro mladý o tom, co se stalo v roce 68.