

I like movie. I want to make movie. I have also seen Django Unchained 6 times

Favorite films

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Django Unchained
  • Blade Runner
  • Shutter Island

Recent activity

  • Wicked


  • Conclave


  • Better Man


  • Ratatouille


Recent reviews

  • Wicked



    The film really surprised me. Felt slightly too long imo for being a part one but that high note at the end fully made up for it

  • Conclave



    Succession but the Vatican 

    In all seriousness, this film is quite literally how I imagine succession within the clergy. The cinematography is pure brilliance and every composition is reminiscent of a painting.

    The final few moments did strike me as odd. Something about them felt like they were apart of an old draft and were forgotten about. It just didn’t fit. 

    The ending wasn’t a surprise but the build up was very well done.

Popular reviews

  • House of Gucci

    House of Gucci


    Very interesting biopic of the Gucci family. I wished I had been able to see more of the aftermath following Maurizio’s assassination. I feel like the film spent so much time building up to her meeting Gucci and how they married that it had little time for the downfall of their relationship and Gucci as a whole

  • Turtles All the Way Down

    Turtles All the Way Down


    The first half was aight. The constant use of popular indie music kept on taking me out and I considered not watching the rest.

    However, the second half of this movie just kept on hitting me emotionally. John Green did an amazing job depicting spiralling with mental health issues such as anxiety or ocd. It was a hard watch but also so validating.
