5 = S
4.5 = A+
4 = A-
3.5 = B
3 = B-
2.5 = C
2 = C-
everything below that is an ‘F’
yes it’s terrible yes it’s boring but when the dinosaurs are on the screen it’s so fun and action packed and i loved everyone in this, that final scene with the dinosaurs coexisting with the rest of the world’s wildlife is so good that it saves this movie from being the worst one in the franchise (worst one is still the lost world)
blue and beta🩵💙
zendaya was the saving grace of the first film (which is still bad) and i fear that she also is the saving grace of this film (this one also sucks)
“In the Dance of Dragons a Targaryen Princess tried to steal her brothers throne. Thanks to her stupidity most of our Dragons died.”
Watch your mouth Viserys.