Love me a well written "revenge good" story, because truly - revenge is sweet.
Also Dong-Eun and that weird teacher having a Bob-Off was hilarious (Dong-Eun slayed)
This film concentrates on Carol Solomon, the vocal coach and daughter of highly successful voice over actor Sam Soto, who wants to break into the field of voice acting herself and try and claim the honor of being the first person in a long time (and first woman ever) to utter the words: In A World (professionally anyways).
This movie is comedic in many ways, with funny accents, jokes, and relatable awkwardness, it's fun to watch and easy to laugh at.
This film features a female A.I (artificial intelligence), the alcoholic, yet young a brilliant, scientist who made her, and a coder chosen to come and test to see if Ava, the A.I, truly is conscious.
This movie was suspenseful and mystifying, if you enjoy science you'll probably love this. This movie shows how amazing science can be, and how dangerous.