Turns out "two brilliant actors commit to losing their goddamn marbles together" is my favorite genre, also see Possession (1981) and The Lighthouse (2019)
Need more!
I was goddamn delighted when I realized I was looking at psychotic baby David Patrick Kelly, let me tell you
Love 70s movies for their grainy saturation and hellish neon cityscapes, less so for how casually rapey literally any portrayal of romance is, holy shit
Catherine Coulson's final performance... I've seen this before, but it didn't hit like this last time. I'm broken. I'm grateful that she was able to create something this beautiful and haunting for the world in her last days, and that her friends and collaborators could pay her such an affecting tribute alongside it.
In a story about the evil men do, it's an unsettling reminder that the time we have and connections we form with others are finite. How can…