Amanda Renee Parker

Amanda Renee Parker

Addicted to the search of finding a little bit of magic in what most people call the "everyday."

Favorite films

  • Beauty and the Beast
  • The Searchers
  • La Strada
  • 13 Assassins

Recent activity

  • Lady Bloodfight


  • Under the Shadow

  • Capitalism: Slavery

  • Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One


Recent reviews

  • Lady Bloodfight

    Lady Bloodfight


    Despite the misleading title, there is not one, but multiple ladies and bloody flights.

  • Under the Shadow

    Under the Shadow

    I just love that the lead character was a strong, flawed, modern woman. Blends the horror and drama genres so well and yarns together the inescapable trauma's of being a modern woman (and mother to a female child) in a conservative society and the boundless hauntings of the djinn. It's a great way to invite American audiences into a moment of understanding the true horror of what it must be like to live in Iran during wartime.

Popular reviews

  • Capitalism: Slavery

    Capitalism: Slavery

    It's so easy to look at an image without really digesting it. Ken Jacobs said something to the effect of "I saw these photos and was offended because someone was proud of this." Through this film he was able to reclaim the image and force the audience to confront its unsettling reality.

  • Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One

    Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One


    One of my favorite examples of magical realism in recent film. I don't feel as strongly about the other volumes, but this one really left me feeling inspired.
