Dude this is my father’s favourite movie dude
Dude Donny is literally Liam kav dude
Also I’ve now picked on a reference fallout new Vegas makes to this so that’s kinda neat
Dude this is my father’s favourite movie dude
Dude Donny is literally Liam kav dude
Also I’ve now picked on a reference fallout new Vegas makes to this so that’s kinda neat
It takes a lot of balls to be imbedded with Russian forces occupying Ukraine but it can feel somewhat hollow at some point. It feels like it’s doing the documentary tropes just to go through the motions.
Tony Soprano is quoted as saying in the very first episode that “it’s good to be in something from the ground floor, I came to late for that I know.”
On a in universe perspective tony is referring to the decline of the New Jersey family but I believe David chase (the writer) is also referring to the decline in mob media and the fact the sopranos (1999) comes after this.
Everyone knows the sopranos is regarded as one of…