i have trash opinions ignore everything I say
5 Star = it alright
1/2 Star = not very good and could be better
bowen reacted more to the fact that the film was shot in his lecture theatre than the actual twist
shoutout to unimelb for letting them film in a total of 10m2 apparently
green arrow is a bitch-ass fake revolutionary poser
just imagine for a second that we live in a world where political movements can be hijacked by corporations
where nuanced real-world issues can be simplified, condensed and then homogenised into poorly produced, mindless entertainment
and this entertainment (designed to ensure that eight-year-olds will be neither confused nor challenged by it's content btw) then becomes a cultural battlefield, with people seriously investing themselves in the commercial success or failure of the film, and even going as far as describing it…
god it's boring, most of the film is people walking from place to place. they're not under threat, they're not chasing anything, there's no greater meaning behind it.
it's just fucking filler, it's an entire movie of filler leading up to a 15 minute montage of the heroic battle between some slow-ass goblin-looking fuck and a group of mentally handicapped teenagers
"b-but it spawned a thousand even shittier slasher films! it's iconic!" fuck off
there are no relatable characters, no real stakes, just 90 minutes of uninteresting garbage. it's not literally offensive but that's about the best thing you can say about it.