Liam Barker

Liam Barker Patron

Favorite films

  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person
  • The Worst Person in the World
  • Scream

Recent activity

  • Blue Velvet


  • Companion


  • Okja


  • Mickey 17


Pinned reviews

  • The Green Ray

    The Green Ray


    You talk of showing things... I don't know, I don't have anything. Things aren't obvious to me. I'm not normal, like you. When I make an effort I try to listen, to talk to people. I listen, I watch what's going on. If people don't come to me it's because I'm worthless and... if I had something to show, people would see it, that's all.

    This is my introduction to Éric Rohmer's films and I have to say I'm a…

  • Megalopolis



    Quite possibly one of the weirdest films I've had the pleasure (is that the right word?) to watch in a theatrical setting. It's fully committed; refusing to back down and dilute itself. Whether that's a positive or not will be entirely in the eyes of the viewer.

    It's a mess. A big nonsensical mess. A lot of people are gonna hate this and I think they're well within their right to do so. There's so much wrong about Megalopolis and…

Recent reviews

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    I have a part of you with me. You put your disease in me.

    The clash of Americana & innocence against the dark underbelly & depravity creates this weird contrast that somehow leads to something more compelling? It's not really about the mystery or the sex or the relationships. It's about the ugliness that peaks through the cracks of the American façade. The real world where people like to hurt & be hurt. As with basically all of Lynch's films there's so much that's just unexplainable about Blue Velvet. Yet they're so damn compelling.

  • Companion



    I like bits and pieces about this. I do think it does a good job presenting the whole 'good guy' persona and the actual evil that comes along with it. Jack Quaid plays that role a little too well.

    However I just don't care a whole lot about this overall.

Popular reviews

  • Dune



    When was the last time a blockbuster (MCU excluded) actually delivered?

    What Villeneuve and Co have crafted here is something truly excellent. It is everything I want from a blockbuster. Massive in scale but not dumbed down or playing it safe, it's the type of film you don't see studios take risks on anymore. I genuinely adore every element of this but I'm waiting to rewatch it before I make any extravagantly sweeping statements about its quality or potential legacy.…

  • Funny Games

    Funny Games


    Hooptober: The First Endeavor: Film 2/31

    Haneke's Horrific Home Invasion

    Horror implied more than horror shown. Michael Haneke's Funny Games is a tremendously dread-filled tale of a cruel & unusual home invasion as well as a blistering commentary on the medium's (and society's) tendency to glorify violence. Now, I realise the hypocrisy is extremely apparent but I think it works on both fronts. There's no doubt that we've very much become desensitized to violence in film and there's a tendency to…