

Favorite films

  • The Virgin Suicides
  • Belladonna of Sadness
  • Trainspotting
  • Fight Club

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  • Marock


  • Cold Fish


  • Why Don't You Play in Hell?


  • Suicide Club


Recent reviews

  • Marock



    I liked it, although it was generic and too many things were set to take place for the sake of shock value, making the massages conveyed by the film appear very literal rather than concealed, in addition to the ending that was very predictable.

  • Cold Fish

    Cold Fish


    I feel terribly sorry for Shamoto, he didn't deserve to put up with any of that, whether his vexatious daughter and his aggravating dispassionate wife

Popular reviews

  • Why Don't You Play in Hell?

    Why Don't You Play in Hell?


    Extreme dedication, bordering on obsession, to their craft was perfectly illustrated in a gruesome, disturbing, and even insane manner. Driven by an obsessive love for their work, the filmmaker and his crew found themselves in places they never could have imagined. And yet, I find beauty in that. This was an incredibly fun watch, I would definitely come back to rewatch. Thank you, Sion Sono.

  • Suicide Club

    Suicide Club


    This movie is subjectively great, meaning that it is impartially atrocious, that is how I would like to word it. This movie could merely be interpreted as criticism towards the youth and how impressionable they can be, but it goes far and beyond that, the mass suicides of young teenagers extend and it gets to adults as well, lives crash and so thus distress. Everyone had a reason to commit suicide, whether it was rational or not, and it comes…
