

Favorite films

  • Uncut Gems
  • Training Day
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Se7en

Recent activity

  • Training Day


  • The Hunt


  • At Eternity's Gate


  • The Cat Returns


Recent reviews

  • Training Day

    Training Day


    Denzel's best.

  • At Eternity's Gate

    At Eternity's Gate


    (Date is unknown, I watched it last year though)

    I enjoy art, and the endless possibility of it. And if you're lucky, your work will forever live on. 

    I haven't heard much about Van Gogh aside his legendary status, so I watched this movie with no clue of his background. And it was moving, the exploration of his character and the style of directing was so unique. William Dafoe was perfect as him, and it's surprising the looking up gif…

Popular reviews

  • Uncut Gems

    Uncut Gems


    One of my favs no cap. Watched it like thrice i think. It was the first movie that made me feel anxious without a horror factor just some shit going constantly the opposite you hope for. It got Julia Fox. From start to finish, it's purely fun and there is no point in the movie where a part feels unnecessary or is a drag. And Adam Sandler is obviously a very fun actor to watch everytime. KG is way better than lebron.

  • Oppenheimer



    Once in a life time theatrical experience. Just don't listen to the complaints and watch it yourself cuz what i heard is the opposite of what i felt. This my fav nolan movie IDGAF abt no scifi, i WILL def rewatch because I struggled to understand some parts throughout the Strauss situation. My cinema kinda fkd up to turn on the lights slowly towards the ending cuz i felt that shit in my soul and i still think about it. …
