Komrad Karl

Komrad Karl

Favorite films

  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The Social Network
  • Come and See

Recent activity

  • Punch-Drunk Love


  • Be My Cat: A Film for Anne

  • Unbreakable

  • Sound of Metal

Recent reviews

  • 1917



    TLDR: It's fine, but suffers from the standard bland big budget problems.

    Storywise, It's interesting to note that WW1 was very much a war of endless waiting, confusion, and dread. The great misery and lack of real "bad-guys" leading to The Lost Generation's aimlessness. The movie really side steps this by having messengers with a very clear mission to run across the battlefield in 8 hours. It leads to very tense action. The movie tries to acknowledge this with various…

  • Eraserhead




Popular reviews

  • Love, Death & Robots: Sonnie's Edge

    Love, Death & Robots: Sonnie's Edge


    The fight scene is awesome if you like video game cinematics.

    Everything else is repulsive enough for me to say I truly hate this. A pointless conflict that goes nowhere, edgy rape backstory, sudden exploitative lesbian romance. Just turn it off and burn it.

  • Whitney Cummings: Money Shot

    Whitney Cummings: Money Shot

    Raves against "men" and unapologetically gloats about how crazy "women" including herself are. It not only offers nothing, it's delivered with the elegance of a cheese grater.

    Highlights include:

    - Telling men to flat iron their balls because they look digusting and are embarrassing
    - Suggesting that breast implants were invented to degrade women rather than to help breast cancer victims
    - Mocking men for having... change jars?
    - Ridiculing any kind of non-vanilla sex and boasting about herself laying…
