Matteo Artioli

Matteo Artioli

Don Chisciotte non è contento, ma lavora in un mulino a vento.

🇮🇹 30 yers old 🇮🇹

Too kind to be a film critic.

Favorite films

  • Tropic Thunder
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Evil Dead II
  • Die Hard

Recent activity

  • Born on the Fourth of July


  • A History of Violence


  • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


  • Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame


Recent reviews

  • Born on the Fourth of July

    Born on the Fourth of July


    🇬🇧When you return home and find nothing to welcome you.
    So you return to fight, with no other weapon than words, against war.

    🇮🇹Quando torni a casa e trovi il nulla ad accoglierti.
    Quindi torni a combattere, senza altra arma che la parola, contro le guerra.

  • A History of Violence

    A History of Violence


    🇬🇧Violence, even gratuitous, that attracts and repels.
    Evil accepted because intrinsic in men.

    🇮🇹Violenza anche gratuita che attrae e respinge.
    Il male accettato perché intrinseco nell’uomo.

Popular reviews

  • Killers of the Flower Moon

    Killers of the Flower Moon


    A small effort of gaze and thought that this time the film demands.

  • Babylon



    For the character with which he tells, analyses, dissects and makes love with cinema, it deserves to be seen by anyone who loves that magnificent word called "Film".
