Using generative AI while saying they "hand painted" most of it, all the way to the making-of, makes me feel SICK.
This is exactly what I don't want to see.
Using generative AI while saying they "hand painted" most of it, all the way to the making-of, makes me feel SICK.
This is exactly what I don't want to see.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Watched it again because of a vague memory of my first time seeing it 10 years ago, well those stunning scenes I remembered are there !
The photography is beautiful, although most of it comes from the incredible Mongolian landscapes...
The wolves performance is honestly also very impressive.
I feel a unable to tell how accurate it is to the culture it sets itself in, though.
It creates this weird effect of telling a story about stupid settlers ruining life…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Regardé en présence du réalisateur et des acteurs. Une série de questions/réponses étaient bienvenue après un tel dérangement. J'esperais des indices de compréhension qui me réconcilierait avec l'étrangeté d'un tel film. Mais justifier 7 pénis mouvants, inspirés d'un dessin indien qui a influencé l'écriture, par l'intention de gêner son public... ne m'a clairement pas satisfait. C'est trop facile. Surtout dans un film qui tient debout même s'il est clairement étrangement mené. Cette intrusion du fantastique n'avait qu'un gout trop amère…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Western gender norms x1000 in a orientalism disguise 😱
Although well shot and edited, this is so scaryyyyy
Its a romance between a 15yo girl and a 30/40 yo man??? The guy doesnt even age at all when they get together 10years later 😵💫
The whole character's motivation is to get the attention and love of a man that she met when she was 15 ?!?! 🤢
I've never observed the role of femimine beauty so present and…