literally such a sickening film i've never squirmed as much or been so stressed when watching something as when watching this this.
i suppose that's the point tho so props.
cool shots tho like when ur the pov of the ball or below the court it was interesting but idk if i genuinely liked or disliked it as sometimes it felt a little goofy idk.
fucking hot tho.
I LOVE GRETA GERWIG. So quirky and artsy and lighthearted- I enjoyed this as a watch sm; short and sweet.
I thought that considering they had a legendary soundtrack in the bag and it has Lily James as one of the main characters that it'd be good but was mistaken as it had the most meaningless plot and the appearance of Ed Sheeran was so unnecessary and obviously just to gain more traction to the film because it wasn't as if he brought anything to the film and the main character had the personality of a wet blanket.