Austin Snell

Austin Snell

Indie trash filmmaker from Kansas.

Favorite films

  • The Great Silence
  • Ms .45
  • Godzilla vs. Hedorah
  • The Best Years of Our Lives

Recent activity

  • Ban the Sadist Videos!


  • Sunkiss


  • Florence

  • Black Eyed Susan


Recent reviews

  • Ban the Sadist Videos!

    Ban the Sadist Videos!


    Shout to the dude with the sports cars and bikini babes cycling on his desktop wallpaper throughout his interview.

  • Sunkiss



    Saw this at Tallgrass Film Festival 2024.

    This is just exquisite. Emotionally resonate and deep without tipping over into schmaltz. Achingly lived-in, vulnerable, and true in all the best ways. The ending is clever and powerful without falling into the cliche trappings of other lesser short films. The 16mm cinematography is about as good as 16mm is capabale of looking, the DP/Director Dice is just an ace with the medium. Choosing to shoot celluloid gave the film a dreamy warmth that sets it apart from so many other shorts I saw and just exudes a vibe of “this filmmaker cares”.

Popular reviews

  • Black Eyed Susan

    Black Eyed Susan


    I love this film.

    Excellent story economy that feels truly fresh and dangerous. I had the pleasure of seeing this at Amazing Fantasy Fest in Buffalo with the director Scooter McCrae in attendance. It will go down as one of my favorite theater experiences of all time.

    The 16mm cinematography was exquisite.

    People throw around the term "Cronenbergian" a lot, but this feels tonally comparable to Cronenberg's best output. In many ways it outdoes those films. McCrae brings an intense…

  • Jane & the Brain

    Jane & the Brain


    Short films really don't get much better than this. I'd list off all the things that were well done, but it would essentially be a recreation of the credit scroll. Everything was executed pretty perfectly. These filmmakers have a future. It would be a disservice to us all if these people didn't swing for making a feature someday. This film proves they have the chops to take that plunge.
