I wanted to watch this for ageeees, and then I did, and was so overwhelmingly underwhelmed that I was impressed, so maybe it was worth it.
Also why is Bill Skarsgård so hot in this? Carried the whole film tbh.
This was really nice to look at and pretty wholesome, but the characters and the story was not for me...
After watching this 3 times in the cinema (I know), it was the 3rd time where I really appreciated that there is no moral tale to be found within this film, there is no class commentary beyond that on the upper classes and their repulsively lavish lifestyles.
Oliver's character should be analysed as nothing more than a mad, raging bisexual spanner in the works, there to create chaos and upheaval within the delicate and monstrous house of Saltburn.
Alice has climbed down the rabbit hole and taken an axe to Wonderland...