

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Rashomon
  • Dark City
  • Fight Club

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  • Doctor Strange


  • Ant-Man


  • The Avengers


  • Captain America: The First Avenger


Recent reviews

  • The Batman

    The Batman


    Finally, a film where the world's greatest detective actually does some detective work rather than just chase down the bad guys and beat them up (although he does that too). You might get a bit more out of this film if you're familiar with the wider lore of Batman and the villains who inhabit Gotham City, but it still works perfectly well as a standalone film if you know nothing more than the names of a few of the more…

  • The Hurt Locker

    The Hurt Locker


    Almost everything about this film is perfect. Each scene and sequence is perfectly constructed to produce the most tension it possibly can. The score is used sparingly to heighten the silence and draw in our focus on the small things in what is actually a series of rather large arenas. Nothing is stylised for the purposes of enhancing the experience for an adrenaline rush, but rather kept as real as possible. It is through this realism that Bigelow frames each…

Popular reviews

  • Scarface



    This is an extremely well constructed exploration into the psyche of characters like Tony Montana (brilliantly played by Al Pacino). This is not so much a film about that actions that this character takes and the choices he makes, but rather the motivation and impact that those decisions and actions have on him and his own personally world.

    There is a surprising amount of character driven drama throughout this film as various relationships between characters are developed and explored. It's…

  • No Country for Old Men

    No Country for Old Men


    By all accounts this film should not work. There's a lot of shots of the country, it almost no score, it very little dialogue, it has Tommy Lee Jones in a role that seems to serve very little purpose, and it (apparently) follows the book it is based on very closely. Put together, these factors should be a recipe for disaster.

    Instead, what we get is a film that is arguably quite deserving of the awards and praise it has…
