

Aspiring indie film snob (half my reviews are marvel movies)

Favorite films

  • The Godfather
  • The Social Network
  • Parasite
  • Whiplash

Recent activity

  • My Cousin Vinny


  • The Apprentice


  • Gladiator II


  • Morbius


Recent reviews

  • My Cousin Vinny

    My Cousin Vinny


    Loved Marissa Tommei’s accent, wish New Yawk was a real place!

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice


    Honestly, pretty solid movie. Liked the shaky camera effects and filming style. Plot was good too, Sebastian Stan kills it with the very very gradual shift from “normal” to the Trump we all know.

    Did watch this on a plane and realized later that a ton of scenes were cut/edited for airlines which explained a lot of abrupt transitions and confusing plot points. Don’t think I’d wanna watch any of those scenes tbf, so gonna treat what I saw as the final cut

Popular reviews

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Fantastic Mr. Fox


    Watched this after smoking and lost my shit every time the foxes ate anything

    Stop motion is mind boggling

  • Novocaine



    Yes, there’s probably merit in movies that can make you feel something (like extremely nauseous) but tbh I was just counting down the minutes till this ended. Quite funny tho