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Recent reviews

  • 4 Black Suits

    4 Black Suits


    Είχα ξεκινήσει να βλέπω τις ταινίες του Χαραλαμπίδη με χρονολογική σειρά, μέχρι που με πρόλαβε ο Νυχτερινός Εκφωνητής στα σινεμά, κι έτσι τα 4 Μαύρα Κουστούμια έμειναν τελευταία. Παρόλο, λοιπόν, που δεν είναι η "τελευταία" του ταινία πια, είναι η πιο ώριμη. Ο 40χρονος Χαραλαμπίδης που -κλασικά- γράφει, σκηνοθετεί, παίζει, βρίσκει μουσική, ηθοποιούς κ.λπ. μάς δείχνει τη διαρκή έλξη που του ασκεί η αποτυχία (και ο ρομαντισμός). Τα 4ΜΚ είναι μια ταινία που φανερώνει για μια ακόμη φορά την αγάπη…

  • Inferno



    Reminded me why I read almost all of Dan Brown's novels as a middle-schooler.

    People are bashing it cause it's stupid? Hell, it's exactly as a movie of its type should be: suspenseful, just a tad of thought needed, with good acting and beautiful sceneries.

Popular reviews

  • Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch

    Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch


    When I made a Letterboxd account, I found out and noted all the sequels I've missed ever since I was a child. I started watching them today and oh boy, did I make a good start.

    I have not seen the first one in years and yet I still remember it fondly, just as the first sequel (that 625 experiment is still making sandwiches, I swear).

    That movie took me back when I was little kid, watching L&S 1 and…

  • Cube



    Pretty underwhelming. Can't compare to the original at all. I felt tired and bored while watching but couldn't omit it because I try to be a franchise completionist.