

Favorite films

  • Before Sunrise
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Inside Llewyn Davis
  • The Worst Person in the World

Recent activity

  • Black Bag


  • Memories of Murder


  • Mother


  • Barking Dogs Never Bite


Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    The movie of the year until something takes its title! Black Bag is everything in looking for in an R rated mid budget adult drama. Top notch performances, a killer script, and sleek direction; we have a new Avery favorite.

    Can’t say enough about this David Koepp script. Smart and efficient as hell, this thing moves so well and every line of dialogue directly serves the plot. All fat has been trimmed, no action scenes for the sake of having…

  • Memories of Murder

    Memories of Murder


    Even better than I had remembered. On first watch I was a bit thrown off by the tone, specifically the silliness of some of the characters in what I was expecting to be an ultra-serious, Zodiac-like story. The combo of revisiting it knowing what to expect, and seeing Bong Joon Ho’s full filmography really changed my perspective on it.

    This has all of Bong’s best qualities, including humor and distinct character quirks in the midst of a dramatic story. Song…

Popular reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    I am on a streak now of one movie a year that:
    1. I go into knowing very little. 
    2. It tackles a grounded human story.
    3. I walk out of emotionally torn apart, and knowing I just saw one of my favorite movies in recent memory.  

    2020 brought me Sound of Metal
    2021 brought me The Worst Person in the World
    2022 brought me Aftersun (though this hit hardest on watch #2)
    2023 has brought me Past Lives

  • Oppenheimer



    Stone. Cold. Masterpiece. And the best filmgoing experience of my life seeing it in IMAX 70mm??? Blown away in every way with what Nolan did here. I am an absolute sucker for his original and grand spectacle ideas that define his most divisive films, especially in the film community. Those have always been my favorite, so I went into this with an expectation and excitement a level below what I had for say Interstellar or even *whispers* Tenet.

    However, with…